"Finland will be the most interesting place to invest by 2031": a worthy and ambitious goal set out by the new Finnish government, formed in June 2023. Epicenter Helsinki and Amcham Finland are joining together to ask how the government’s approach to international talent supports this vision.
In this latest installment of HIRED we will be discussing the potential impacts of the Finnish government program. The panel of government and business leaders will discuss four main areas:1.How will the local entrepreneurial system be impacted?
2. How will foreign direct investment (FDI) be impacted?
3. How will individual people be impacted?
4. What will the overall impact be on Finland?
In this event, we aim to encourage open discussion and a platform for perspectives to be shared.
Do you want to attract and keep the best talent? Then you need to join us at HIRED – an Epicenter event series focusing on talent and engagement.
From building your company culture to embracing diversity and inclusion, we'll be talking about what it takes to make sure you've got an engaged mix of employees who are well-suited for your mission.
In addition to learning from leading experts, you'll also have the opportunity to network with other professionals and share your own experiences and challenges related to employer branding.